
.shabby news.

I have an announcement to make that excites me greatly!

As of today, I've sold a total of SIX items at the local shop TRUE TREASURES, where I've had inventory for a month now. Six sales in my first month may or may not seem small, but it's huge to me. To know that something I've created has been admired enough by someone to actually spend their money on it...6 times...is so humbling and exciting at the same time!
Yes, I did nerd-out and make this lovely collage of everything that sold in the month of July. We have 4 dresses, a quilt, and a tote bag. All SOLD. :-)

As far as my etsy shop goes, that's a totally different story. I've had my shop open for almost the same length of time as I've been selling at True Treasures, so you could say it's been up and running for about a month. Zero sales. I know etsy is a hard train to get started on with all the competition, so I've elected to give it another month or so and try changing up my inventory a bit. If too much more time passes, I might have to call it quits (although I really don't want to) and be thankful I have a local shop from which my stuff seems to sell regularly.

My mind has been on new items I can create since Fall is right around the corner, and I'm excited about a few ideas in particular! Hopefully I'll have more good news as far as sales and etsy goes, but for now I can say the first month of Shabby Threads was a successful one (in my opinion) and I'm more motivated than ever to keep sewing!


.my shabby guestroom.

I would like to think I treat my house guests right.
Especially the overnight ones.
If for no other reason than they get to sleep in my favorite room in the house.

This is the collage of family photos I made. I think this area is so intimate and will mean a lot to family members that stay with us.

This is my favorite room in our house because it is so bright and cheery. It makes me happy just walking by and peeking in the door way.

I'll be the first to admit this room is a little on the girly side.
While I do feel bad for the male guests who have stayed...
I don't plan on changing it away from the shabby style anytime soon.

The rose that I framed is the one my husband gave me on our one-month anniversary of dating. That was almost 7 years ago.

I want to the bed to be one big, soft, pillowy invitation of pure rest.

I want it to be just as cozy as those hotel beds we never want to get out of.

There's a peek at my shabby guest bedroom!
I hope you all love it as much as I do!


.another shabby threads shoot.

I love sharing pictures of my "little models." They are such angels, so sweet, and it thrills me to see such beautiful little girls posting for pictures in dresses I made.

Here's a little look at Ashlyn's Shabby Threads photo shoot.

What a darling! This dress is for sale at a local shop called True Treasures!


.should have never napped.

I never take naps. But for some reason, I was so tired today, it was inevitable. Oh, and it was all good at the time. But now it's midnight on a church night, and I've been clicking all over etsy for the past few hours. Yes, hours.

Hubs was watching Nascar on the couch, and I'm assuming he's now asleep there because I have not heard a peep from him. Even the pug is passed out on the floor right next to me. Sheesh.

Alas, since sleep evades me, I compiled a treasury for etsy called "Backyard Summer Party."

If sleep evades you too, you should go have a look. I've made it easy for ya by making the picture a link straight to it. Go on and click it. You know you want to. :-)

These are the kinds of things I do when I can't sleep. Then I go get a midnight snack because my tummy is not used to being alert at this hour, and it's telling me it's been too long since its last meal. Refrigerator, here I come.


.checking in.

I just wanted to apologize to my blog (as well as to any avid readers out there, if you exist) for my absence this past week or so. Notice how my last post was about opening shop on etsy? Well, coincidentally, that has a lot to do with why my blogging has been so scarce lately!

No, I haven't been swamped with sales. I'm still patiently waiting for my first one, as a matter of fact, but my hands have still been so busy sewing and creating with nearly every free minute I have. But I'm definitely not complaining! I've enjoyed this Summer so much because of all the time I've had to create and finally get the ball rolling on some dreams of mine.

Latest News in Brief:

* Hubs got himself the truck of his (almost) dreams, and I am now the proud driver of his hand-me-down Honda Accord. I said goodbye to my Impala of 9 years. R.I.P. Nellie. We had a good ride.

* I've sold 2 dresses and 1 tote bag at True Treasures (a local shop).

* I'm struggling with a decision I need to make very soon in the job department. Prayers would be so appreciated.

* I ordered some pre-natal vitamins and will begin that regiman soon... which means....

* I know I've already mentioned this, but for the purpose of documentation I'll say it again: Not liking this short hair one bit. I totally have long hair envy. If you can pull your hair back in a ponytail without half of it falling out, I envy you.

* Need prayer for my envy issue. I know it's not right. I'm thankful to just have hair. Just need peace about my appearance... Which that alone seems so vain. Pssh on my appearance. I mean, yeah I want to take care of myself and be attractive to my husband, but I don't need to worry about impressing anyone else. Which leads me to my next one...

* Hubs and I are going to his 10-year high school reunion tomorrow. I'm worried he won't be proud to introduce me as his wife because with my new short 'do, I feel like all my flaws are exposed on the surface. I realize that way of thinking is not right, and I'm hoping that typing it out and making myself admit to it (publicly) will make me put a stop to such wasteful fears and thoughts.

Those are all the updates I can think of right now. Looking forward to the Farmer's Market and Hobby Lobby in the morning, then off to that reunion where my main focus will NOT be on my appearance or my hair but on those around me and how I can be a light for Christ.

I do apologize if I've seemed like a hormonal whiny baby at times in this post. No matter how many years I live, that insecure 12-year-old still likes to pop in and visit every once in a while.


.open for business.

I finally got a few of my creations listed on Etsy! Click on the picture to go straight to my shop!


.hayley's hair.

It has been a week since I got my hair cut, and tonight I shed tears over it for the first time. I realized it's too short for me, I hate that I can't pull it back, and worst of all.... I feel like Hayley Mills from the old Parent Trap movie.

I haven't cried over my hair since I was 13, so I feel a little silly. Thankfully, the hubs is trying to be supportive and telling me it will grow back out. I can see in his eyes that he doesn't love it either, but thankfully he's being sweet and supportive.

I know in time it will grow out, but for now I might shed a few tears over its current state. Hopefully, one day I'll look back on this post and laugh, but for now...

"Let's get together. Yeah, yeah, yeah!"


.fifteen dollar dresser re-do.

I fixed ugly.

Despite the paneling on the sides of this poor little dresser and the all-around hideousness that made my husband's stomach turn when I brought that puppy home, thanks to its $15 price tag, I saw the potential for something better.

After a few coats of "Caboose Red" paint and new hardware, I would say this dresser will see a long life of storing office supplies in our house!

This was my first major furniture do-over, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!


.independence day.

The Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays! Here's hoping yours is filled with family time, fireworks, grilled out grub and outdoor picnics!

All images from Country Living