Today begins an approximate 18-month journey of my life: BRACES.
Or, to be exact, INVISALIGNS.
Do I look happy? I am.
I've had gaps ever since my adult teeth came in, and now, at 29 years old, I can finally do something about it.
For that, I am so thankful.
I thought I should document everything I'm experiencing on this first day of wearing my Invisaligns, since today...yeah, it's not so fun. I'm hoping that when this process is over, I can look back at this entry and laugh at myself for being such a wuss.
First and foremost, y'all, I expect to lose some weight. I can't eat without taking the clear things off my teeth (which I haven't mastered yet, so that takes time), and then I have to put them right back on my teeth. I have to brush or at least rinse my mouth out before they go back in.
Meal time has become quite the process, and forget about snacking, at least until I master taking these bad boys off.
I'm still trying to decide how I'm ever going to enjoy a meal in public again.
I also seem to be salivating a lot. Not sure if it's the sensation of something on my teeth or what, but I can't swallow often enough. I think I've also been swallowing a lot of air so I foresee some issues of sorts in the future.
So far, I haven't experienced any pain or had to take any aspirin. HOWEVER. I'm about 5 hours into this thing and I'm already feeling like: WHAT IS ON MY TEETH? It would feel so good to take them off for just a few minutes, but the thing with Invisaligns is that you can't. Not if you want proper results, anyway. And I'm paying big $$$ for these so you better believe I'm leaving them right where they're supposed to be.
Also, I now speak with a lisp.
All complaining aside, getting to go through with this is a dream come true and a big step towards greater confidence in myself.
I'll try not to complain too much more. ;-)