
.a new year.

Today we had Open House at my school, and I got to meet most of my new kids and their parents. Summer went by fast, but it gave me just enough time to feel refreshed, and I'm ready to return to my role as teacher. I'm excited about my class this year. I'll have 5 boys and 5 girls...a perfect mix! And they are all so cute and sweet. Their parents were so nice as well, and I felt really good about how today went.

I wanted to share pictures of my classroom this year. I have a new assistant this year who is full of great ideas and creativity...not to mention...she has a CRICUT! We worked hard on this room, really hard, and it paid off. I'm in love with our room and feel happy and inspired when I'm in it. If I feel that way as the teacher, I'm hoping the kids feel even better since they are the ones there to learn, play and explore.

Here's a tour of our bright and cheery classroom complete with centers, Cricut-created labels and pom-poms!

I'm more excited for this year than I've ever been!

Can't wait for Day 1 next week!


  1. So you must be an Early Childhood Teacher? I was an aide in a classroom for 5 years... you room looks wonderful!

  2. Do you know I didn't realise you're a teacher :) I am too. I love that feeling at the start of a school year when everything is fresh and new and you feel so motivated and enthusiastic. Your students are going to love the gorgeous room you've created :)

  3. Miss M. I hope your first day is wonderful! I go back tomorrow too, but the students wont' come until the 22...I will hopefully be winging my way to Utah for the birth of grandbaby #1 by then. Love the look of your room!

  4. love your blog ~ just came across it and i'll be back! i too am a preschool teacher ~ 4 year olds. i love your kitchen set. do you know who it is made by? our school needs new ones in every classroom!
