Ever since I saw THIS tutorial {from Smashed Peas and Carrots} on Pinterest, I've had this unscratchable itch to create my own Elastic Band Empire Waist Dress.

Well, I've done it and now it is out of my system. I was surprised my version turned out half as wearable as it should have; however, I learned that sewing stretchy t-shirt material is definitely not my jam. I don't like the polyester print very much that I chose for the skirt, but since it was my first time making anything like this, I felt safer using fabric I wasn't crazy about. The long-sleeved tee is from the clearance section at Target.
I liked the look better with a thick belt, like I'm wearing in the picture below. I'm thinking of making the skirt knee-length and cutting off the long sleeves into short sleeves and adding ruffle detail to the front of the shirt. If I do, I'll post updated pictures.

I'm still trying to decide if I would ever wear this dress out in public or not based on the fabric choices and the imperfections I know are there since I'm the one that sewed the dang thing.
Regardless, I'm proud of myself for attempting something new and for {mostly} succeeding. It's always good to push the limits and see where our creativity can take us!

Well, I've done it and now it is out of my system. I was surprised my version turned out half as wearable as it should have; however, I learned that sewing stretchy t-shirt material is definitely not my jam. I don't like the polyester print very much that I chose for the skirt, but since it was my first time making anything like this, I felt safer using fabric I wasn't crazy about. The long-sleeved tee is from the clearance section at Target.

I'm still trying to decide if I would ever wear this dress out in public or not based on the fabric choices and the imperfections I know are there since I'm the one that sewed the dang thing.
Regardless, I'm proud of myself for attempting something new and for {mostly} succeeding. It's always good to push the limits and see where our creativity can take us!
Just darling!! I love it!