
An Unhurried Life

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about the concept of living an "unhurried" life. Not in a "We're always going to be late" type of unhurried; but rather an "I don't want to miss this moment or these people" kind of unhurried.

Unhurried as in choosing to do my life the way my heart desires - leaning into what feeds my soul - and away from what steals my joy. Evaluating my obligations and tweaking my schedule. To me, this looks like not spreading myself so thin, not filling every free moment, and making it a priority to be home more.

Reading more and scrolling through Facebook less.

Making my home a cozy sanctuary by straightening up before going to bed, having a cup of coffee while watching a Hallmark movie, and lighting candles even if company isn't coming.

Going room by room and decluttering anything that feels like clutter or decor that I don't love anymore.

Crafting more. Baking more. Dreaming more.

People pleasing less (this one is really hard for me and one I need to work on).

Quality over quantity when it comes to friendships.

I don't want to fall into the trap of "this is just what we do" when it comes to being busy.

I don't want to be overwhelmed by stuff or obligations.

I want to teach Audrey the beauty of an unhurried, simple life. Of conversations where we look in each other's eyes instead of at our phones. Of questions asked and time spent learning about the answers. Of joy and contentment. Of snuggles in blankets. Of imaginations at work. Of peace.

I've always been attracted to simple things, but I always thought I had to apologize for it.

God made me an introvert who loves hugs, quiet, creativity, and simple joys. I'm learning to unapologetically embrace that girl instead of trying to morph into someone who needs the world's approval.

Have you ever stopped and thought about what type of life you crave?