
Updates and Praise

A lot has happened since my last post, but I just haven't had the motivation to blog until now. We ended up not getting the house in Centerton that we placed a bid on. It was disappointing to say the least, but obviously it was not God's plan for us. Knowing that helps so much and makes it much easier to let go of something we thought we wanted so bad. In the meantime, the house hunt continues. So far, nothing new has been listed that we are interested in, but stay tuned because you never know what's around the corner!

Today will be one of those fun, beautiful Fall days, I think. It's sunny but chilly. It's Halloween. And we are going to the Razorback game tonight! I got a new Hog hoodie and Leslie got a new Hog fleece jacket, so we are ready to represent in style! :-)

On another note, I just want to say that whenever I stop and think about how God has blessed me, I feel so overwhelmed and humbled. I know I don't deserve to have two amazing dream jobs that I love so much, but I do. I don't deserve to have free time during the week to devote to hobbies, but I do. I have a hard-working, sweet husband and a funny little pug, a little apartment that suits our needs and then some. I have a car that still starts when I turn the key and still gets me from A to B. I have a loving family that makes me happy, and we are still close no matter how far away or close we might be. There are so many blessings in my life, and I praise God for being so merciful and loving to someone like me, who doesn't deserve any of these things, much less eternal salvation, but He gave me that too.


  1. I think everyone in general gets so caught up in the world that we forget to think about all the little and big things God blesses us with! Hang in tight for the house, it will come!

  2. Hi Martha! I'm Loren's cousin, Kitty. I am an agent with Farmers Insurance (and live in Centerton!) and would love to help you out when you find "the one." You can always find me on my blog (kittyosmon.blogspot.com) or through Loren. Love your blog!
